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Oxford Terahertz Photonics Group
Oxford Physics

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Contact details


Dr Kun Peng

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Clarendon Laboratory Room 245
Phone (office): +44 (0) 1865 272339
Phone (lab): +44 (0) 1865 282649

Research interests

Semiconductor nanowire spectroscopy and devices


  1. Resonance-amplified terahertz near-field spectroscopy of a single nanowire,
    S Norman, G Chu, K Peng, J Seddon, LL Hale, HH Tan, C Jagadish, R Mouthaan, J Alexander-webber, HJ Joyce, MB Johnston, O Mitrofanov, T Siday
    Nano Lett., 24:15716-15723 (2024) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c04395 ]
  2. Direct and integrating sampling in terahertz receivers from wafer-scalable inas nanowires,
    K Peng, NP Morgan, FM Wagner, T Siday, CQ Xia, D Dede, V Boureau, V Piazza, AFI Morral, MB Johnston
    Nat. Commun., 15:103 (2024) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1038/s41467-023-44345-1 ]
  3. The 2023 terahertz science and technology roadmap,
    A Leitenstorfer, AS Moskalenko, T Kampfrath, J Kono, E Castro-camus, K Peng, N Qureshi, D Turchinovich, K Tanaka, AG Markelz, M Havenith, C Hough, HJ Joyce, MB Johnston, J Cunningham
    J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys., 56:223001 (2023) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1088/1361-6463/acbe4c ]
  4. Optimised spintronic emitters of terahertz radiation for time-domain spectroscopy,
    FM Wagner, S Melnikas, J Cramer, DA Damry, CQ Xia, K Peng, G Jakob, M Klaui, S Kicas, MB Johnston
    J. Infrared Millim. Terahertz Waves, 44:52–65 (2023) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1007/s10762-022-00897-9 ]
  5. The application of one-dimensional nanostructures in terahertz frequency devices,
    K Peng, MB Johnston
    Appl. Phys. Rev., 8:041314 (2021) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1063/5.0060797 ]
  6. Three-dimensional cross-nanowire networks recover full terahertz state,
    K Peng, D Jevtics, F Zhang, S Sterzl, DA Damry, MU Rothmann, B Guilhabert, MJ Strain, HH Tan, LM Herz, L Fu, MD Dawson, A Hurtado, C Jagadish, MB Johnston
    Science, 368:510--513 (2020) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1126/science.abb0924 ]
  7. Light absorption and recycling in hybrid metal halide perovskite photovoltaic devices,
    JB Patel, AD Wright, KB Lohmann, K Peng, CQ Xia, JM Ball, NK Noel, TW Crothers, J Wong-leung, HJ Snaith, LM Herz, MB Johnston
    Adv. Energy Mater., 10:1903653 (2020) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1002/aenm.201903653 ]
  8. Single $n^+$-i-$n^+$ {InP} nanowires for highly sensitive terahertz detection,
    K Peng, P Parkinson, Q Gao, JL Boland, ZY Li, F Wang, S Mokkapati, L Fu, MB Johnston, HH Tan, C Jagadish
    Nanotechnology, 28:125202 (2017) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1088/1361-6528/aa5d80 ]
  9. Broadband phase-sensitive single {InP} nanowire photoconductive terahertz detectors,
    K Peng, P Parkinson, JL Boland, Q Gao, YC Wenas, CL Davies, ZY Li, L Fu, MB Johnston, HH Tan, C Jagadish
    Nano Lett., 16:4925-4931 (2016) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b01528 ]
  10. Single Nanowire Terahertz Detectors ,
    K Peng, P Parkinson, L Fu, Q Gao, N Jiang, Y Guo, F Wang, H Joyce, JL Boland, M Johnston, H Tan, C Jagadish
    , 2015:STu4H.8 (2015) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1364/CLEO_SI.2015.STu4H.8 ]
  11. Single Nanowire Photoconductive Terahertz Detectors,
    K Peng, P Parkinson, L Fu, Q Gao, N Jiang, Y Guo, F Wang, HJ Joyce, JL Boland, HH Tan, C Jagadish, MB Johnston
    Nano Lett., 15:206-210 (2015) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1021/nl5033843 ]
  12. Single GaAs/AlGaAs Nanowire Photoconductive Terahertz Detectors ,
    K Peng, P Parkinson, L Fu, Q Gao, N Jiang, Y Guo, F Wang, HJ Joyce, JL Boland, MB Johnston, HH Tan, C Jagadish
    , 2014:221-222 (2014) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1109/COMMAD.2014.7038695 ]