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Oxford Terahertz Photonics Group
Oxford Physics

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Contact details


Siyu Yan

D.Phil. Candidate
Clarendon Laboratory Room 245
Phone (office): +44 (0) 1865 272339
Phone (lab): +44 (0) 1865 282649

Research interests

Vapour Deposited Metal Halide Perovskites


  1. Contrasting ultra-low frequency raman and infrared modes in emerging metal halides for photovoltaics,
    VJY Lim, M Righetto, SY Yan, JB Patel, T Siday, B Putland, KM McAll, MT Sirtl, Y Kominko, JL Peng, QQ Lin, T Bein, M Kovalenko, HJ Snaith, MB Johnston, LM Herz
    ACS Energy Lett., 9:4127-4135 (2024) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.4c01473 ]
  2. Contrasting charge-carrier dynamics across key metal-halide perovskite compositions through in situ simultaneous probes,
    AM Ulatowski, KA Elmestekawy, JB Patel, NK Noel, SY Yan, H Kraus, PG Huggard, MB Johnston, LM Herz
    Adv. Funct. Mater., 33:2305283 (2023) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1002/adfm.202305283 ]
  3. A templating approach to controlling the growth of coevaporated halide perovskites,
    SY Yan, JB Patel, JE Lee, KA Elmestekawy, SR Ratnasingham, QM Yuan, LM Herz, NK Noel, MB Johnston
    ACS Energy Lett., 8:4008–4015 (2023) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.3c01368 ]
  4. Thermally stable perovskite solar cells by all-vacuum deposition,
    QM Yuan, KB Lohmann, RDJ Oliver, AJ Ramadan, SY Yan, JM Ball, MG Christoforo, NK Noel, HJ Snaith, LM Herz, MB Johnston
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 15:772-781 (2023) [ abstract | pdf | doi:10.1021/acsami.2c14658 ]